
Embracing Complexity survey

For details of a survey for people with any neurodevelopmental conditions, and their families, on the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown measures – click here.

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Baroness Jane Campbell lecture 30 October

Baroness Jane Campbell will deliver the annual Caroline Gooding Memorial Disability Law Lecture on 30 October 12.00 noon -13.30pm  'Disability Rights and the Pandemic: A Story of Survival?’ via Zoom…

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Personal Health Budgets

Sam Strickland and Rhys Bowler are campaigning for the introduction of Personal Health Budgets for people who are eligible and in receipt of a Continuing Health Care provision. For more…

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Senedd Inequality Report

For a welcome and powerful paper from the Welsh Parliament ‘Into sharp relief: inequality and the pandemic’ click here.

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Cerebra is looking for a part-time Information and Support Officer to be part of the Legal Entitlements and Problem-Solving (LEaP) Project.  For details click here.

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Barbara Pointon Obituary

An obituary for the great NHS CHC campaigner can be accessed by clicking here.

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Carers and the failure of ‘identity’

For a YouTube talk by Luke Clements for the Sustainable Care Seminar Series (15 June 2020) click here.

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Life in lockdown for siblings of disabled children

A powerful report with some troubling statistics from by Sibs the charity supporting disabled people’s siblings – which can be accessed by clicking here.

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COVID-19 and unpaid carers

The Welsh Government has published ‘Guidance for unpaid carers: coronavirus (COVID-19) – which can be accessed by clicking here.

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In Brief

An interesting article by Amy Clifton for the Welsh Parliament ‘In Brief’ concerning the challenges facing the adult social care sector in Wales as a result of the coronavirus pandemic…

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Webinar ~ 21 May 2020 6pm

Social Work Action Network (SWAN) is hosting a webinar 'Fighting for Social Justice: What's Happening to Human Rights during Covid-19? – for access details click here.

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Webinar ~ Social Services in Wales during Covid-19: New Guidance

A webinar with Joanne Clement and Jonathan Auburn of 11KBW Chambers can be accessed by clicking here - the access password is 8Y@m=+1k.  The PowerPoint can be accessed by clicking…

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Coronavirus Act 2020 and the implications for Wales

A webinar with Jonathan Auburn and Joanne Clement of 11KBW Chambers can be accessed by clicking here - the access password is 11KBW2020. Thanks to Jonathan and Joanne for making…

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WG Guidance on vulnerable children & safeguarding

Information about vulnerable children and safeguarding during the coronavirus pandemic – click here.

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BMJ Editorial ~ social care

For a British Medical Journal Editorial on 'Covid-19: why we need a national health and socialcare service' click here.

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Coronavirus Act threatens care for disabled people & carers

For a ‘Position Statement’ from the Disability Law Service condemning the Act’s curtailment of social care support rights click here.

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Caring for our future

The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee of the National Assembly for Wales has published a report on its ‘inquiry into the impact of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales)…

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30 Years of the Children Act 1989

For a talk by Lady Hale, President of the UK Supreme Court click here.

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Can parents agree to a 16 year old being detained?

The Transparency Project has an excellent explanation of the impact of the Supreme Court decision in – Re D [2019] UKSC 42 written by Dr Julie Doughty.  Click here for…

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Update on the #Save WILG campaign

.For the most recent update – click here.

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Recent developments in children’s social care law and policy

Dr. Julie Doughty is the Deputy Director of Cardiff Law School’s Centre for Health and Social Care Research.  Julie has developed the Children’s Social Care Law in Wales website and…

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2019 Newsletter

For a copy of the 2019 Social Care law Newsletter - with updates for England and Wales click here.

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Welsh Independent Living Grant update

For an update by Julie Morgan AM on the Independent Care Assessment process – click here.

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Wales to widen Equality Act 2010 duty

As part of the Welsh Government's commitment to tackling unequal outcomes caused by socioeconomic disadvantage, the Deputy Minister, Jane Hutt, has announced that it plans to make ‘rapid progress over…

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BASW Cymru – new resource

BASW Cymru has developed a new on-line resource ‘Social work law in Wales PPEG’ for members and the wider social work profession in Wales. To access this click here.

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Measuring social services performance

The Welsh Government has issued for consultation a draft code of practice ‘Measuring social services performance’ – to access the consultation documents click here.

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Legal Aid closure

At the end of 2018 the BBC reported on the decimation of legal aid – with Wales a prime example.  TA Law of Swansea has now announced its withdrawal from…

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Measuring the Mountain

A Welsh Government funded research report into ‘What Really Matters in Social Care to Individuals in Wales’ can be accessed by clicking here. It contains some interesting material and a…

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Independent User Trusts and the NHS

MS Martin Searle Solicitors are interested to hear from anyone who has experience of an Independent User Trust to manage NHS Continuing NHS Healthcare payments in Wales.  If you can…

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Assessment & Treatment Units (ATUs)

To access a Petition to stop the detention of people with autism & learning disabilities in ATU’s click here.

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Welsh Independent Living Grant (WILG)

For an interim report summarising the evidence the Welsh Government has received on the future of the WILG click here.

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What really matters in social care to individuals in Wales?

For a report concerning the views of Citizens’ Jury on this question – click here.

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Human Rights briefings

Dr Simon Hoffman has produced two additional briefings for the Bevan Foundation (for the first briefing on ‘incorporation’ click here).  The new briefings concern: (1) Equality & Well-being; and (2)…

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Cut to the Bone?

For a report by the Welsh Governance Centre on the impact of austerity economics click here.

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Incorporating Human Rights into Welsh law.

For the first (of three) briefing papers on this issue by Dr Simon Hoffman, Associate Professor at Swansea University click here.  

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Track the Act – Carers Survey

If you are a carer in Wales please consider contributing to Carers Wales survey – click here for the Welsh language survey– and here for the English language survey.

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Mental Capacity Law reform

For an independent report by Gillian Loomes for Inclusion London on the views expressed by Disabled People, DPOs and professionals about the proposed changes – click here.

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Why are Social Workers in Wales the Happiest?

An interesting paper that uses a 2015 Guardian survey that found that social workers in Wales to be the ‘happiest’ (87% compared to 79% in the UK overall).  Andy Pithouse,…

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Draft additional learning needs code

The Welsh Government has published the draft code for consultation – for details click here

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State of Caring in Wales

The 2018 report published by Carers Wales on the impact on carers of the failing care system in Wales – click here

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Counting the Costs

An important report published by ‘Contact’ on the additional costs of borne by families with disabled children – click here

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Disability support cuts in Wales

To access the BBC story concerning the impact of the WILG Closure click here.  

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Is Wales Fairer?

“Unless these inequalities are addressed now, the disadvantage that too many people in Wales face could become entrenched for generations to come.” To access the Equality and Human Rights Report…

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Welsh Government ‘independent living’ consultation

The Welsh Government has launched its Consultation on its new ‘Framework and Action Plan’ for advancing the right of disabled people to ‘independent living’.  The consultation document can be accessed…

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UN Progress Report on Disability Rights

Nathan Lee Davies has produced an excellent Wales focused note about the ‘UK Independent Mechanism Report’ - only just off the publishing press. Click here for to access Nathan’s commentary.

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ADSS Cymru & Welsh LGA

Publish a ‘Position Statement’ calling for preventative services funding – click here for their report.

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Housing Adaptations Consultation

The Welsh Government is consulting on ‘Housing Adaptations Service Standards’ which will include timescales for works and payments.  Click here to access the consultation.

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Autumn 2018 Newsletter

A draft of Luke Clements’ Autumn 2018 Newsletter can be accessed by clicking here.

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End of Life care & Continuing NHS Healthcare

We have posted on the main ‘What’s new’ section of this website a talk by Luke Clements concerning the current English NHS CHC guidance and statistics as they relate to…

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Neglect is Self-Neglect too?

In a new ‘Views from Practice’ paper in the Rhydian on-line journal, Carys Phillips critically analyses the treatment of ‘self-neglect’ by the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 and…

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