
Judicial review of social care charges

Permission given to challenge a council's charging policy – for details click here.

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Barbara Pointon Obituary

An obituary for the great NHS CHC campaigner can be accessed by clicking here.

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Carers and the failure of ‘identity’

For a YouTube talk by Luke Clements for the Sustainable Care Seminar Series (15 June 2020) click here.

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English ombudsmen return

The local government ombudsman and the NHS ombudsman have announced that the will be resuming their complaints work from the 29th June and the 1st July respectively.

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Life in lockdown for siblings of disabled children

A powerful report with some troubling statistics from by Sibs the charity supporting disabled people’s siblings – which can be accessed by clicking here.

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Webinar ~ 21 May 2020 6pm

Social Work Action Network (SWAN) is hosting a webinar 'Fighting for Social Justice: What's Happening to Human Rights during Covid-19? – for access details click here.

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Community Care Solicitor

"Access Social Care' is looking for a Community Care Solicitor to join their team as their Legal Manager - for details click here.  Application deadline extended to 18 May 2020.

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Equalities Committee Inquiry: Coronavirus emergency.

The UK Parliamentary Women and Equalities Committee is seeking evidence about the different and disproportionate impacts that are resulting from Coronavirus emergency. For details – click here.

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Government Covid-19 Action Plan Social Care

On the 15 April the English Government published its COVID-19: Our Action Plan for Adult Social Care. To access this document click here.

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BMJ Editorial ~ social care

For a British Medical Journal Editorial on 'Covid-19: why we need a national health and socialcare service' click here.

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Covid-19 Legal Qs & As

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation has published an excellent and extensive list of Legal Questions & Answers concerning disabled people’s rights during the Coronavirus emergency.  Click here to access these.

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Covid-19 court cases

Two recent cases concerning altered visiting arrangements due to the Covid-19 outbreak and disabled people – see BP v Surrey County Council & RP and a (settled) case involving Hertfordshire…

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Reduced Social Care rights implemented in England

Although the English Government indicated that major reductions to social care rights in  would not be triggered until there was an imminent risk of councils failing to fulfil their duties…

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Care Act ‘Easements’

The Coronavirus Act 2020 enables the Government to radically downgrade Care Act 2014 rights for disabled people and carers - the people who are most at risk in this emergency. …

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Disabled children: a legal handbook 3rd edition

The third edition is now available from the Legal Action Group – for details (including ordering it) click here.

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30 Years of the Children Act 1989

For a talk by Lady Hale, President of the UK Supreme Court click here.

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Plugging the leaks in the UK care home industry

For an interesting paper by the Centre for Health and the Public Interest (CHPI) click here.

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Conference Surrey November 20 2019

For details of an Action for Carers Surrey Conference on Carers Rights click here.

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Conference Leeds November 19 2019

For details of the annual Leeds Law School Cerebra 'Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving' Cenference click here.

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Can parents agree to a 16 year old being detained?

The Transparency Project has an excellent explanation of the impact of the Supreme Court decision in – Re D [2019] UKSC 42 written by Dr Julie Doughty.  Click here for…

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Health Budgets

An excellent paper written by Francesca Pozzoli ‘Health Budgets: A critical analysis of the NHS vision’ in the current edition of Research, Policy and Planning (2019) 33(2),69-84 includes the memorable…

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2019 Newsletter

For a copy of the 2019 Social Care law Newsletter - with updates for England and Wales click here.

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Your council’s performance

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has developed an on-line resource detailing the ombudsman’s contact with each English council – including (if you click on ‘annual statistics’) a copy…

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NHS Continuing Care confusion

For an interesting paper in the BMJ by David Oliver click here

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Community Care & the Law (7th ed 2019)

A new (7th) edition of Community Care and the Law has been published by the Legal Action Group for details click here.

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Cerebra Legal Entitlements Vacancy

Cerebra, the charity that supports the LEaP programme at the School of Law, Leeds is seeking a Co-ordinator for this programme: a 12-month maternity contract but with the possibility of…

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Mencap legal vacancies

Mencap is looking for two home based legal case workers.  For the full-time post click here and for the part-time post click here.

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NHS Continuing Care latest statistics

The most recent NHS Continuing Healthcare figures (to end of March 2019) show a slight increase in the total number of people being funded. However there is a continuing fall…

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The NHS & Carers Rights

For a paper by Luke Clements, Emily Holzhausen and John Bangs outlining how the existing law concerning carers’ rights relates to the Government’s ‘Universal Personalised Care’ proposals click here.

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Assessment & Treatment Units (ATUs)

To access a Petition to stop the detention of people with autism & learning disabilities in ATU’s click here.

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Parents accused of inventing children’s illnesses

For an earlier ‘post’ concerned families being wrongly accused of fabricating or exaggerating their disabled child’s needs – see ‘Can you cope’. A follow up, and equally disturbing, report has…

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Research Assistant Post Leeds

The School of Law has a part-time Research Assistant vacancy in Law & Social Justice – for details click here.

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BASW Human Rights

BASW wishes to commission a report on ‘Social Work Practice in the context of Human Rights’ – if of interest click here for details.

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Social Care sector costs

The annual Pulse report: 59% of providers handing back contracts to councils: 80% citing low wages as the biggest barrier to recruitment / retention; 32% making a loss – click…

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700 days and counting

700 days since the promise to publish a Care Green Paper.  For an excellent Age UK briefing click here

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100% taxation rate

Once more the Department of Health has failed to uprate the personal allowances for charging purposes (click here for the announcement).  It means that disabled people receiving services are liable…

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Mental Capacity Law reform

For an independent report by Gillian Loomes for Inclusion London on the views expressed by Disabled People, DPOs and professionals about the proposed changes – click here.

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Off the record

Many Social Security Tribunal hearings are not recorded (none in London) and the Ministry of Justice can’t explain why.  Click here to read the story.

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Prof. Theresia Degener lecture

For a link to the Caroline Gooding Memorial Lecture 2018 given by Prof. Theresia Degener at the School of Law, Leeds on ‘Inclusive Equality’ click here.

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Gill Loomes has posted on her website ‘VoiceSpaces’ a fascinating piece reflecting on what the ‘Radical’ or disruptive ‘Voice’ may be for people who lack or lose capacity.  It emerges…

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Further Delay Social Care Green Paper

Details of the proposed reform of social care in England have been delayed until the New Year,.  For an update note on this from DRUK click here.

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Counting the Costs

An important report published by ‘Contact’ on the additional costs of borne by families with disabled children – click here

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UN Progress Report on Disability Rights

The ‘UK Independent Mechanism Report update report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’  (produced by the Equality and Human Rights Commissions representing the UK’s four…

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Autumn 2018 Newsletter

A draft of the Autumn 2018 Newsletter can be accessed by clicking here.

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Rightfullives Exhibition

If you get the chance - have a look at the wonderful Rightfullives online Exhibition by clicking here

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Law & Social Care Lecturer Vacancy Leeds

For details of a new Law & Social Care lecturer post at the School of Law, Leeds University - click here.

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How effective is the Equality Act 2010?

An Inquiry by the Women and Equalities Committee is trying to answer this question.  The Disability Law Service believes there are problems.  If you have a disability or care for…

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New NHS CHC Stats

The NHS Continuing Healthcare statistics for the first quarter of 2018-19 have been released.  These suggest that the dramatic decline in the numbers of people eligible for CHC funding has…

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Save Hereford’s Young Carers Services

Hereford – where I live – having made serious cuts to its carers’ services is now cutting its Young Carers support – see article here. Charlotte has created an e-petition…

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Special Education

For an analysis of the European SEN case MDAC v. Belgiumby click here.

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