
I love my dog.

  A provocative New Year posting from my good colleague Rachel Adam-Smith. .                                     _______________   I love my dog. He’s non-verbal. I love…

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A sufficiency of carers support services

John Bangs OBE[1] reflects on the recent UN carers rights decision and its implications in relation to the duties of local health and social care authorities to provide a sufficiency…

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Impoverished councils

An interesting complaint concerning (among other things[1]) a prolonged and significant loss of respite care for a young person transitioning into adult services.  Due to challenges resulting from his impairment,…

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A Landmark UN carers decision

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has handed down an important decision concerning the rights of unpaid carers in the case of Maria Simona Bellini v.…

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A National Care Service for Wales?

A report by a Welsh Government convened ‘Expert Group’ has been published.  For the announcement by Julie Morgan MS click here and for the report click here.

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Health & social care: cost of operating ‘challenges’

For a Senedd article on this issue click here.

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On-line focus group 19 November

The University of Galway wishes to hear from disabled children and young people about the impact that the covid-19 pandemic has had on different aspects of their lives.  For details…

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Fit for purpose disabled children’s assessment guidance

What would ‘fit for purpose’ disabled children’s assessment guidance look like?  At the School of Law, the University of Leeds, this is what we hope to be researching in the…

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NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) ~ Ombudsman report

The Health Service Ombudsman has published an important CHC report concerning the failure of an NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) - now known as an Integrated Care Board (ICB).  The…

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Double standards

The current political farce / tragedy has meant that a shaming report[1] concerning the institutional abuse of disabled young people has failed to attract the attention it deserves.  The report…

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Social care under-funding and the NHS

Senedd Research has published an interesting analysis of the problems that social care under-funding are causing the NHS.[1]  The analysis starts with the Senedd’s Health and Social Care Committee’s finding[2]…

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Parent Blame in the NHS

The Kirkup Report[1] – published earlier this week – identified the scandalous treatment of mothers in maternity and neonatal services in East Kent.  It uses the words ‘blame’ / ‘blaming’…

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Falling short

For a scholarly review by the Nuffield Trust that assesses ‘How far have we come in improving support for unpaid carers in England?’ click here.

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Carers cost of living

For a Carers Wales Policy Briefing on the cost-of-living crisis for unpaid carers in Wales click here.  

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Troubling conclusions

  A parent refused to sign a council’s safety plan (relating to support for her disabled son) because it implied that she had on one occasion refused to allow workers…

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Community Care 30 years on

For a brief article reviewing the last 30 years of social care law - click here.

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Conference ~ Leeds 18 October 2022

For details of a Cerebra / Leeds University School of Law Conference (on-line and in person) click here.

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Care Home Commissioning report

Senedd Cymru Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee has published a report on Care Home Commissioning which can be accessed by clicking here.

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The duty to meet needs

What can be done when a disabled person’s or a carer’s assessed social care needs are not being met – either because no care and support is available or because…

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What exactly is going on in Bristol?

In ‘Clustered Injustice’ I refer to one of the key insights gained from working on the Cerebra research programme with disabled children and their families.  It may be obvious to…

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Cerebra Annual Conference

5th October 2022 in London entitled ‘Barriers to Breakthroughs’: for details click here.  

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FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness) Survey

The disabled children’s charity Cerebra is concerned about reports from families with disabled children which suggest that a significant number have been accused by practitioners of creating or exaggerating their…

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Covid Inquiry

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is launched with the publication of its Terms of Reference – for details, click here.  

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New NHS Continuing Healthcare Framework

The Department of Health and Social Care has published a revised NHS Continuing Healthcare Framework – a copy of which can be accessed by clicking here. A handout of a…

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Long-COVID discrimination

For a Scottish Employment Tribunal judgment that found a claimant who suffered from long-COVID to be a disabled person in terms of the Equality Act 2010 click here.  

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At last – something sensible on FII

Allegations by professionals that families are guilty of FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness) appear to be proliferating as do training programmes that seek to alert social care and health professionals…

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Office of National Statistics report

Following the High Court judgment finding concerning the unlawful discharge to care homes of hospital patients with asymptomatic Covid, a report by the ONS notes that all disabled people were at greater risk…

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No more than ‘reasonably practicable’

  Councils do not have to charge for care and support services under the Care Act 2014, but if they do the Statutory Guidance states (para 8.2) that in determining…

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Petition to introduce Personal Health Budgets in Wales

For a copy of the submission by Ann James and Luke Clements to the Senedd Petitions Committee concerning Petition P-05-1106 – click here.

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Care proceedings: parents with a learning difficulties

For important High Court guidance on this issue click here: see paras 105 – 108.  

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Government concedes carers’ hospital discharge rights

An earlier posting referred to Baroness Pitkeathley’s amendment to the Health and Care Bill which – although opposed by the Government – was passed in the House of Lords by…

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The NHS in Wales and the social care workforce crisis

The current edition of ‘Senedd Research’ highlights two important social welfare issues – namely the serious problems with the Welsh NHS and the social care workforce crisis.   In relation…

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Webinar Parent Carer Blame

For details of an update research webinar on 27 April 2022 click here

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Council Contempt

Welsh Council found to be in contempt of court for its failure to address the needs of a young disabled man – click here for further details.  

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Direct payments and disabled children with the ‘wrong impairments’.

A parent complained that a local authority commissioned ‘Early Help’ service (for ‘short break’ sessions) was unsuitable for her son.  She complained that the Council had offered no alternative and…

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Senedd Research – carers

For an honest / depressing report on the pressures experienced by carers click here.  

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The end game: Continuing NHS Healthcare (CHC) in Wales

 The Welsh Government has finally published its revised Continuing NHS Healthcare Framework Guidance for Adults - giving just over a month for its implementation.  Although it published a draft of…

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Carers victory in the Lords

  The Health and Care Bill currently going through Parliament repeals the Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Act 2003 and with it, the duty on NHS trusts to ensure that…

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Coroner criticises ‘Working Together 2018’

A further report by Richard Travers, the Senior Coroner for Surrey has been published concerning the death of Oskar Miles Nash.  The report focuses on action that is necessary to…

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Re R-E: An unusual contact dispute

For a review by Dr Julie Doughty of this unusual Wales family law case which involved the use of powers under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 click…

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‘Parent Carer Blame’ policies

A short talk summarising the 2021 Cerebra / Leeds University research can be accessed by clicking here.

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s117 OR inaction

The Department of Health has decided to do nothing  pending the outcome of the s117 Ordinary Residence Supreme Court ping-pong finals. For its announcement, click here (and for the posting…

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Holidays and Poor Law Commissioners

R (RG) v Suffolk County Council[1].  On one level this case concerns the extent to which a council’s ability to promote an individual’s well-being (under section 1 Care Act 2014)…

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Pre-payment cards

the Payment Systems Regulator has fined 5 companies for cartel behaviour in the prepaid cards market - click here for the story.  

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Disability Evidence portal

For a valuable new resource from the LSHTM concerning poverty and disability in low- and middle-income countries click here.

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It is time to recognise the unpaid carer as a worker

 The guest post you are about to read from a good colleague considers one of the greatest issues confronting the care system in the UK – namely the need for…

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Councils allocating £60m pa defending SEN appeals with a success rate of 3.6%.  For an excellent / depressing post in Special Needs Jungle click here.  

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What a mess – s117 ordinary residence (again)

In a nutshell – and congratulations if you understand this: The Court of Appeal has reversed a High Court decision that reversed a decision of the Department of Health and…

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The State of Caring 2021: Wales Briefing

A briefing by Carers Wales on the annual 'State of Caring report' and can be accessed by clicking here.

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Blamed and criticised for her parenting

Seven years after he was adopted (as an infant) a child was diagnosed as having an alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, autism and ADHD.  His adoptive mother made multiple requests to the…

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