
Coronavirus update

More Chinese whispers and some guidance concerning disabled children and their families.

Chinese whispers first. 

In a recent post I referred to emails from Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) saying that due to the current emergency all NHS complaints investigations were being ‘paused’.  The problem being that the NHS England guidance did not mandate ‘blanket’ action of this kind. It seems that it is not only some sections of the police force who are overstating their powers during this emergency.

I’ve now been shown an extract from a CCG email concerning a Personal Health Budget (PHB) saying that:

the Government has decided that due to Covid-19, all new PHBs will be put on hold or paused. 


I have not been able to find any guidance to this effect – so can someone help me by identifying this Government announcement.  Since PHBs are creatures of statute and since (so far as I can see) the relevant regulations have not been amended[1] – I find it hard to understand how (or indeed ‘why’) these are all being ‘paused’.


New Guidance concerning:

Supporting children and vulnerable young people:

This is largely directed at the schooling needs of disabled children but it also confirms that school transport and respite care duties continue to apply

SEND risk assessments:

Guidance requiring authorities to undertake risk assessments to determine whether children and young people with SEND will be able to have their needs met at home, and be safer there than attending an educational setting.

Parents and carers – information on education:

Guidance for all parents concerning the impact of school closures on such issues as: exams, admissions; free school meals; vulnerable children; and the rights of critical workers.

Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak:

What schools need to do during the emergency – in relation to different types of educational establishments including special educational schools, alternative provision schools and pupil referral units.


[1] National Health Service Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups (Responsibilities and Standing Rules) Regulations 2012/2996 reg. 32B. The Coronavirus Act 2020 section 14 amended aspects of the Continuing Healthcare duties – but not, so far as I am aware, the obligations in relation to PHBs.

Posted 20 April 2020