
Abolishing home care charges

The Disability Law Service has published a report that makes the case for the abolition of home care charges for Disabled adults in England. The research that underpins the report…

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Systems Generated Trauma Conference

For a brief note on the above (including a link to recordings of its first two sessions) click here.

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Herefordshire children’s services – a public inquiry: if not here, then where?

A fascinating hustings took place in Hereford prior to the election concerning the ‘Crisis in Children's Services’. Nationally, as we all know, children's services are in crisis: a ‘scandal’ ……

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Systems Generated Trauma

‘Trauma related practice’ is a phrase increasingly used by public bodies to convey their awareness that many of those with whom they interact have experienced life changing traumas. As a…

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Election Hustings Hereford

For a chance to hear Herefordshire Parliamentary Candidates answer questions concerning 'the crisis in children's services' at a meeting on the 18th June - click here.

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Criticism of the Ombudsman

For a news item in Nation.Cymru concerning the actions of a Welsh Council and the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, click here.

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Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill

The Health and Social Care Committee has launched a consultation to inform its scrutiny of the recently introduced  Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill.  The consultation closes on the 28th…

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Innovative short breaks scheme for parent carers

We all need quality ‘short breaks’ – but for many parents of disabled children they are a distant dream.  Fit for purpose ‘breaks’ from heavy caring commitments depend on several…

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National Office for Care and Support (NOCS)

The Welsh Government has launched the NOCS – the first rung in the ladder to the National Care and Support Service.  For details click here.

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Revised school transport guidance (England)

Cerebra, IPSEA, SOS!SEN and Contact have jointly written and article expressing concern about revised school transport guidance issued by the Department for Education and inviting families to complete a short…

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FII on-line discussion: 29 April

An expert panel discussion concerning Fabricated & Induced Illness (FII) organised by Autistic Parents UK - for details click here.

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On-Line Seminar 10 April a 1pm

Donald Forrester of CASCADE will discuss his recently published book on social work and human rights.  To register for the seminar click here.

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Social care charging consultation

The Welsh Government is proposing to raising the current charging cap for non-residential care from £100 to £120 per week.  The announcement can accessed by clicking here and a commentary…

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FII questions in the Welsh Parliament

For a details of questions raised by Senedd Member Mark Isherwood concerning the prevalence of Fabricated or Induced Illness allegations in Wales - click here.

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Senedd Member’s concern about the prevalence and impact of allegations of Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII) in Wales

North Wales Member of the Senedd and Chair its Cross-Party Autism Group, Mark Isherwood, has raised concerns with the Minister for Health and Social Services that parents of neurodiverse children…

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Decision making quality and the Local Government Ombudsman

Cerebra, the disabled children’s charity has published[1] an important and troubling analysis of data concerning the performance of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO). Over a decade of…

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CASCAIDr crowdfunding

CASCAIDr, the social care advice charity is crowdfunding to obtain barristers' views on undecided points of law – for details click here.

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Reforming health and care services in Wales

The Bevan Commission’s report ‘The Foundations for the Future Model of Health and Care in Wales’ can be accessed by clicking here.  

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A Vision for Social Care in Wales

ADSS Cymru, Solace Wales, CLILC WLGA and Social Care Wales have jointly published a report with this title – which can be accessed by clicking here.

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Jam tomorrow – maybe: the revised Working Together guidance.

As expected, disabled children and their families will be disappointed by the updated 2023 Working Together guidance.  Despite compelling evidence that local authority assessment and care planning protocols discriminate against…

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Carers survey

An NHS England survey to better understand carers experiences of care plans can be accessed by clicking here.  Unreasonably short timeline (it closes 2nd January) but an important issue nevertheless.

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Disability Activist Nathan Davies’ Petition

For Nathan Davies' Petition  to the Senedd regarding Direct Payments in Wales click here.

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Special Guardianship allowance ~ Ombudsman report

A recent report by the Public Services Ombudsman Wales (PSOW)[1] arose out of a complaint that a local authority had failed to implement the recommendations of a Stage 2 Independent…

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Webinar 7.30pm 23 November 2023

Homelessness: The Ethics of Gatekeeping convened by The Homelessness Best Practice CIC for details click here.    

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NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

The Department of Health and Social Care has mistakenly tweaked the Framework Guidance in an way that fails reflect changes made by the Care Act 2014.  For a posting by…

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Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII) research report

FII is a term adopted by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health – in essence – to replace what was previously referred to as ‘Munchausen syndrome by proxy’.…

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Senedd Research update

For an update on adult social care policy in Wales click here.

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Independent living when a care home might be ‘cheaper’

Can local authorities refuse to fund a home care package if it is cheaper for the person’s needs to be met in a care home? Where there is more than…

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A care home as the cheaper option.

Can local authorities refuse to fund a home care package if it is cheaper for the person’s needs to be met in a care home? Where there is more than…

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Cerebra Trustee and staff vacancies

For details of Trustee and Staff opportunities with Cerebra, the Disabled Children's Charity - click here.

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Section 117 Mental Health Act (MHA) 1983 and Ordinary Residence: the Supreme Court decides

So, what was that all about? For some strange reason in 2020 the Department of Health and Social Care changed its mind concerning the determination of a person’s ordinary residence…

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Direct payments and disabled children

An earlier posting[1] considered an important local government ombudsman decision.  The decision confirmed that: (1) parents of disabled children have a right to opt for a direct payment even if…

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Fit-for-Purpose Guidance for the Assessment of Disabled Children & their Families.

Guidance developed by independent Parent Carer Groups and individual parent carers will be launched at a webinar on the 12 July 2023 10:30am – 12:30pm.  The document describes what they…

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NHS Continuing Healthcare & Direct Payments

The Welsh Government will be introducing legislation to enable direct payments to be paid to people receiving for NHS continuing health care funding.  Click here for the announcement and for…

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Disabled Children Continence Support Survey

An on-line survey by Cerebra concerning the accessibility and suitability of local Continence Support arrangements for Disabled Children can be accessed by clicking here.  

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Consultation on the revision of the ‘Working Together’ guidance.

The Department for Education (DfE) has opened a consultation on its proposal to update the 2018 ‘Working Together’ guidance.  It has summarised the overall aim of the update as a…

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A welcome judgment concerning social care charges

A local authority accepted that a disabled person had eligible needs for support to develop and maintain personal relationships, and provided funding for him to attend a social and life…

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The State of Social Care in Wales

A submission to The Senedd Health & Social Care Committee concerning the state of social care in Wales by Ann James and Luke Clements can be accessed by clicking here…

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PANS, PANDAS & Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII)

PANS and PANDAS are severe childhood impairments with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive behaviours, tics or eating restrictions that develop suddenly: conditions that can be accompanied by changes in normal behaviours, personality…

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The Problem with Fast Track in Wales

As previous posting on these pages have sought to highlight,[1] there are in our opinion profound problems with the Welsh Government’s Guidance concerning the process by which eligibility for Continuing…

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Associate Professor post

We are seeking to further strengthen our disability research programme at the School of Law, Leeds University (closing date 15 May).  For details, click here.

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Important Joint statement

To demonstrate support for the Cri de Cœur / call to action by three leading reviewers involved in Safeguarding Inquiries – click here

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School transport as a human right

There is an extensive body of English and Welsh law that requires local authorities to provide school / college transport for disabled young people.[1]  What is often forgotten, however, is…

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She was provided with a leaflet.

Flicking though the current (March 2023) batch of Local Government Ombudsman’s Children and Education complaints decisions is like re-watching Groundhog Days.  More than half of the complaints were not, for…

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Autism and Parental Blame

Parent Blame is not simply a problem encountered by families when dealing with Children’s Services.  It is, therefore, very welcome that West Midlands ADASS (the Association of Directors of Adult…

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FII Seminar

For details of a FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness) event in Gloucester on 14 March click here.

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462% increase in children’s ‘deprivation of liberty’ applications

A report published by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory highlights the ‘extreme vulnerability’ of children who are the subject of High Court applications that seek to deprive them of their…

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Parental Blame and PDA

For a new research report on this issue by Alice Running & Danielle Jata-Hall, click here.

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Chair in Disability Law

The School of Law, Leeds University is looking to appoint a Chair in Disability Law - for details click here.  

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Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

The PSOW is considering investigating the fitness for purpose of (and complaints about) 'Carers: Needs assessments'.  For details click here.  

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